First World Brain Bank 

First World Brain Bank (1972-3) was dubbed a “multifaceted, specific organization” by co-founder Stan Sharshal. The entity was a “container” for performance and conceptual works, which utilized photography, mail art, and nascent video technologies. A logo that visually merged a question mark with a stylized profile of a human head “branded” most of the organization’s activities. One FWBB performance occurred at a trade show for the commercial lighting industry. Among the booths featuring the latest in indoor and outdoor illumination, the FWBB developed a booth where weary salesmen could stop, have a drink, and a talk about ideas with Sharshal, Talley, and a female assistant. FWBBdeveloped Atlanta’s first video and mail art exhibition, Selected Deposits from the Vaults of the First World Brain Bank, April 1973.